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Fun facts about the state of New York

New York Public Facts

New York State Facts

Here are some New York fun facts you probably didn't know about:

  1. The first presentation of 3D films before a paying audience took place at Manhattan's Astor Theater on June 10, 1915
  2. The Big Apple is a term coined by musicians meaning to play the big time.
  3. Gennaro Lombardi opened the first United States pizzeria in 1895 in New York City.
  4. New York City has 722 miles of subway track.
  5. The Woodstock Music and Arts Fair was actually held in Bethel.
  6. The first capital of the United States was New York City. In 1789 George Washington took his oath as president on the balcony at Federal Hall.
  7. The Fashion Institute of Technology in Manhattan is the only school in the world offering a Bachelor of Science Degree with a Major in Cosmetics and Fragrance Marketing.

Other New York state facts:

  • New York State Tree: Sugar Maple
  • New York State Flower: Rose
  • New York State Bird: Bluebird

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